Sunday, October 19, 2008

Moab Trip

The Moab was a great trip. We left on Friday morning and drove & drove & drove. When we arrived, we settled in and then took off the see the sights. We went to Arches National Park, but only went through a little bit, then we had to head back so we would make it to Bar M in time. At Bar M we first had the privledge of watching a horrible acting gun show, then we ate delicious food. About half way through the show they called someone from each table up to do rope spinning. ( I don't know what it was called). Tyler happened to be the lucky one from our table (thanks to dad volunteering him), so he sure enjoyed that and we sure enjoyed watching him up there. :) At nights we swam in the pool and soaked in the hot tub.

On Saturday, we went all the way into the park and did a bunch of site seeing including the delicate arch. It is so beautiful there. After that we grabbed some grub and went back to the hotel where everyone crashed for a few hours (except Char, who was on the phone.) We did some souvenir shopping and hung out at the hotel the rest of the evening.

Sunday morning rolled around too quickly and we packed our things and headed home. That was the trip. We had a great time together, but we missed Jenny & Jesse tons!