Thursday, September 18, 2008

Congrats Tyler

Congrats TYLER!!!!

Tyler had a certification test to get a extremely high raise and Tyler had to weld certain pieces together and he passed and is getting a very nice raise which is $4.00 more an hour and I could'nt be more proud of him than I am now. Our baby's are doing well and they all say HI to Jenny and Jesse and we also send our love and kisses to both of you so far away, I hope all is well. Also Jesse we did'nt forget bout you're b-day we sent you a gift card and a card I really hope you get it soon let us know if you do not get it. I just wanted to let everyone know that i'm doing good with the passing of my grandma, it is really hard to loose her,but i know it was for the best and that she is in a really great place and that I will see her agian some day. I wanted to say thank you all for being thier for me during this tough time. Well I'll let you all go love you all lots and lots hugs and kisses always Love, Dawn and Tyler