Monday, September 15, 2008


Lloyd and I went to Maddox on Saturday. I got the famous turkey steak and Lloyd got the prime rib (pretty much an entire roast.) After that we decided to go to a movie in Layton because we had a gift card. While pulling into the theatre, we noticed Lloyd's car sounded like it was grinding a tin can under the passenger wheel. So we drove around the parking lot to see if it would got worse. So we called a tow truck. An hour later, they arrived and when they lifted Lloyd's car off the ground, a pin from his brakes fell off. So we were grateful we didn't try driving it home. Lloyd's mom drove us home and we spent the rest of the evening watching a movie. On sunday after dinner, we came home a celebrated with the mini cake mom provided. :) Love you all!


Char! said...

Cami! I didn't even know that happened with Lloyders car! I didn't even get to talk to you guys. Sheesh! I'll have to come over sometime and we can catch-up. :)

Dawn said...

I'm so sorry bout what happened to you're guy's car, I can officailly say that car troubles suck. I forgot it was you're guy's anniversary i wanted to say that i'm so proud of both of you so much for complimenting each other and doing good to each other you both are amazeing people. HAPPY 2 Year you guys XO XO XO XO XO XO

The White's said...

Happy Anniversary, geesh I can hardly believe it has already been two years for you guys, I can hardly believe that it has been 3 years for us! Time flies when your having fun doesn't it. Well congrats and sorry to hear about the car trouble.