Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Char's life and new blog page!!!

First off, I decided to start another blog just for my life so if you'd like to visit it, you can at So, I thought I'd post just because. So, here's an update on Char's life. I did another skin care class at Cami's house and we had a blast! I made some money (wahoo!) and Cami got the Timewise Ultimate Miracle Set so there will be NO excuse for her not to be drop dead gorgeous now....not that she wasn't before. I'm loving my business and although it's occupying a lot of my time, I am having a blast! I just need more skin care classes booked. It's fun. I only have about 4 weeks of school left (eeks!) and so it's winding down and I have projects due and finals to take. It has gone fast and before I know it I will be getting on a plane and heading straight to the arms of my man (what a cozy place!) So, that is the update in the life of Char. I love you all and hope that you are all great!