Happy Birthday to LLoyd,
We met this evening for a wonderful night of celebrating our Lloyders! We had pizza, fun, games and total sillyness! What more could you ask for? Do you think Lloyd knew what he was in for when he joined the family. Jesse should have warned him. Anyway we had a fun time playing Apples to Apples, opening presents and eating cake. We had a yummy cake from DQ. Strawberry Cheesquake. Pretty dang yummy. We were also treated to Cami impersonating Jenny. I think she just wanted us to feel like we were all together for a fun time. Cami (not on purpose) did the Jenny laugh fit and then the Jenny drool. It was hilarious. A good time for all. Thanks for coming Jen! We love our family! We hope Justin doesn't get too scared away.
LOL!!! Ah man, we have too much fun! So, that is just one of my best pictures I think....NOT! LOL! We did feel like Jens was here with all the drool and laughing. I LOVE this family!!!!
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