This will be me and Tyler's update for december just until after christmas. Me and Tyler have been working so hard and haveing a great december this year! Tyler is doing great in school and is on christmas vacation right now and is loveing it not going in on saturday. He's still working in the shop in salt lake and his hours changed, he is working from 7-3:30 everyday instead of 6-5 which is wonderful because i get to see him more and he is home for dinner with me more. I have been working at Fast Stop gas station for almost a month now and we have needed the extra money since i have had my knee surgery and was out of a job for a month. Te boss loves me and he promoted me to mornign manager so i get to make my own hours and they are 5-11 a.m. everyday till saturday then i have it off with sun too!!!! I really like this job! we have had a good year with our christmas tree the little kitties haven't hurt this one at all this year like they did when we first got married. tizzle our oldest cat climb it one day and the weight wasnt bearing on the tree and it fell over and broke with all of our ornaments tooo. So last year we just used a 3 inch little christmas tree and this year we saved up and bought us a really nice christmas tree for 50 dollars at shopko's and it's prelit and we love it. Me and tyler cooked up a storm this month in the kitchen and had lot's of fun doing it, we made sugar cookies, fudge, chocolete pretzels, coconut balls, and hard candy it was so much fun. We also have got all of our christmas shopping done and is all wrapped and put under the beautiful tree. We did have a little trouble our window motor broke in the truck this month and it took 187 dollars to fix it at least we was ahead in our financials so we could pay it and still be ok (yea for us) this never happens! We was sorry to hear about Grandpa ferd dieing just before this christmas, but atleast he will be here watching over us and blessign us and makeing sure we are all ok. we love him alot and he will be missed. We also miss jenny and jesse lots and lots and it is going to be so wierd to come over here for christmas and they are not going to be here when we arrive,but we love them both and wish them the best and a merry christmas. well thats all so far we love everyone and we wish everyoen who reads this blog a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. With Love Tyler and Dawn Christensen XO XO XO XO XO XO XO
12 years ago
We miss you too! It's so hard for me not being there this Christmas. I am so sad. But trying to be postitive. Well I love you guys and am glad your doing well. Love,
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