Well, I'm new to this forum so I hope that I don't infringe on any toes. It has been a blurr of a week. We got Dad taken care of and Linda hasn't had any problems since her surgery on Tues. I am real thankful that she has done so good.
I guess I pulled it off doin dad's euology last night. That was the hardest thing that I have ever done. Had me in a frump for 3 days. How do you do a life in about 5-10 minutes. Dad had a whole lot ofpeople that loved him. I didn't know most of them. That is weird. Terry did so good too. She gave me the determination to keep it together. Char and Camy were there too. I am so proud or our family. We don't know what will happen to dad's stuff. The most important things have already been given to us, and we carry those with us every day. Lois has been so good to dad over the years and it isn't fair to have not have liked her. She is a good woman and has a lot of good things about her. It was just hard to accept the way that dads own family was put in 2nd place. But, it wasn't Lois' fault. I,m kinda stuck. I want something to hold on to, but I know it is not important.
The guys at work were so good this week. they picked up the pace and took care of the job for me. I be back to my onery self on monday. They are good men . Maby the best crew I have ever had. My boss told me to pay myself while I was off so I did. That was weird too. Never done that. It has always been a thing that I have proud of. Something for nothin dosen't wash. But I did what I was told this time.
We are having a b-day party for jason tonight with some of his friends. That will be welcome relief. Just to do something normal again. Gonna put up the tree and the lights today! Thank goodnes it is windy and cold outside. Gotta have a challenge just to make it interesting. Jason is doin Ok. He is new to the prospect of losing loved ones. I hope I can help him with it. He is getting ready to go boarding this morning. So it seems he is hangin in.
Just to let you all know. I was prepin for Whitney, last I saw most of you. Well Jason bombed out ( girlfriend ) and Scott and I went.We made it to the top via the mountaineers route ( class 3 ) and it started raining. Eventually that led to snow and high winds. Our plan was to do the technical climb the next day. The weather killed our climb so we retreated and went to Yosemite. We climbed Cathedreal peak a small 700' lump of inviting granite. Got the crap scared out of us so it was good. We have to go back to Whitney in July. Jason said he was goin for sure yesterday, but we'll see.
I need to go for now. thanks for the invite to join the blog. I'll keep it shorter next time, maby. So keep your chalk dry, play as hard as you can , love with all your heart and live your life so your father would be proud. Love Larry
12 years ago
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