Friday, November 28, 2008


Hey Family,

Thankyou so much for loving me!!! I have the best family in the world and I love you all so much! I miss you more than I thought I ever could and sure wish I could've been there for Thanksgiving and my B-Day! But I feel your love. Thankyou for all your gifts I received and the thought that was put into them. I had a pretty good day. Except for being sick and feeling yucky and missing you all. Well I am posting some pics of our ward Thanksgiving Dinner and our Thankgiving dinner at Ruby Tuesday as well as my B-day pictures.

Thanks again!


P.S. I enjoyed seeing everyones blog. I haven't been on it for a while. Looks like Ty was laughing so hard he was crying. Are the underwear working ty? I doubt anything can work.


Char! said...

Ty was Crying he was laughing so hard! It was guessed it....GARSLY!!! He was at it as usual. And no, the underwear aren't working. LOL!